OK. So he wasn't actually climbing yet.

He was perched on the bike
for the grown-ups' entertainment.

He enjoyed it, and so did we !

First thing he climbed up on was
a Winnie-the-Pooh train.

He was so proud !

He was yelling as if he wanted
the world to know !

This is a little later . . .
when he's bragging about it.

Another victory !

(With a little help from the
little, red Elmo chair.)

So, now he knows how to climb on one thing in order to climb onto something higher.

I think we're in trouble !

Now we have to keep all the dining table chairs closed off in another room because he's learned to climb them to get on the table.

He's hit paydirt !

Oh, the treasures to be found

if only you know how to climb !


Now he can reach just about anything.

The basket sitting on the table behind him
is to keep him off the table
and out of my books.