Four Major Conventions of Greek Pronunciation


Greek Letters Erasmian Pronunciation Historic Attic Pronunciation Historic Biblical Pronunciation Modern Pronunciation
a: father same same same
b: boy b: mob v but only using the lips v
g: got1 same y: year or
g in a gurgle sound
1 When gamma precedes kappa, chi, or another gamma it has a nasal sound like ng.
d same th: this same
e: get same same same
dz same same same
a: late e: French fete i: ski same
th t-h: tarnation th: moth same
i: pit (if short)
i: ski (if long)
i: ski (always) same same
k: kite k: pick same same
l same same same
m same same same
n same same same
x same same same
o: obey quicker than o in or same same
p: pick p: skip (less aspiration) same same
r Scottish r French or German r same
s same same same
t same same same
French u same same i as in ski
ph as in phone p-h as in tip-him ph as in phone same
German ch k-h h or German ch
(which differs with following vowels)
ps same same same
o: note aw: saw o: or same
Diphthongs Erasmian Pronunciation Historic Attic Pronunciation Historic Biblical Pronunciation Modern Pronunciation
ai as in aisle same e as in pet or ai as in air same
a as in fate same ei as in receive same
oi as in oil same i as in ski same
ow in cow same av as in Ave Maria2 same
2 When this diphthong precedes an aspirated letter like t it will sound af instead of av.
eu in feud same ev as in ever3 same
3 When this diphthong precedes an aspirated letter like t it will sound ef instead of ev.
like ou in soup same same same