Clips from Various Articles
In Order of Pesticide Level
(Most to least. Wash or peel these foods.)

1.  Strawberries
2.  Bell peppers (green and red), spinach (tie)
3.  Cherries (grown in U.S.)
4.  Peaches (grown in Chile)
5.  Cantaloupe (grown in Mexico)
6.  Celery
7.  Apples
8.  Apricots
9.  Green Beans
10. Grapes
11. Cucumbers

13 Super Foods
(Click for more details)

1.  Avocados
2.  Apples
3.  Blueberries
4.  Cabbage
5.  Fish and Fish Oil
6.  Garlic
7.  Mushrooms
8.  Almonds
9.  Eggs
10. Flaxseeds
11. Pomegranates
12. Red Wine
13. Dark Chocolate
The Secret to Satisfying Your Appetite: Protein

Lean protein satisfies your hunger and keeps your blood sugar levels steady. Plus, lean protein allows you to maintain muscle mass while losing weight, which keeps your metabolism running at full speed. Cutting back on protein during weight loss, on the other hand, contributes to a loss of muscle mass and a slower metabolism.

When it comes to protein, the best choices include lean cuts of beef (such as eye of round, ground beef (sirloin, lean, and extra lean), tenderloin, top loin, and top round, as well as skinless turkey and chicken breast, pork loin and pork tenderloin, fish and shellfish, and tofu and soy-based meat alternatives. Protein sources that are high in saturated fat should be avoided. These include brisket, liver, rib steaks (like prime rib), chicken and turkey pieces with the skin (as well as dark meat), duck, and goose.
Cook with whole-wheat flour.

You can make breads, muffins, and other home-baked goods healthier if you mix whole-wheat flour with white flour. Because whole-wheat flour is heavier than white flour, a straight substitution won't work for every recipe. Try starting with a ratio of one part whole wheat to three parts white to see if you like the results. If you think the dish could stand a heavier, grainier texture, try increasing the share of whole-wheat flour. You may need to increase the amount of liquid at the same time. Many stores sell a multigrain pancake mix you can use for pancakes or waffles.

Safe Food Prep

Raw meat: Lean meats such as skinless chicken breast (and lean cuts of pork and beef) can harbor dangerous bacteria, which may cause serious illness or even death. To avoid this health threat, use a dedicated cutting board to prepare raw meat, and thoroughly wash all surfaces and utensils that have come in contact with the meat. In addition, make sure you thoroughly wash your hands before touching any other foods, utensils, or surfaces.

Eggs: Raw eggs have been associated with salmonella poisoning. To prevent illness, don't eat raw eggs or foods - like fresh Caesar salad dressing and fresh mayonnaise - made with raw eggs. Also, always keep your eggs refrigerated and make sure you use eggs immediately after cracking.

Fruits and vegetables: The surfaces of some fruits and veggies may be contaminated with pesticides and bacteria. Thoroughly wash all fruits and vegatables before eating. This goes for the inedible skins of fruits and beggies, like cantaloupe and avocados. Also, avoid contact with raw meats, seafood, and eggs.

Fish: Fish can be contaminated with certain toxins, so it's important to buy fresh fish and cook it soon after purchasing. When it comes to purchasing fresh fish, make sure it doesn't smell overly fishy or sour. Fresh fillets should have a shiny flesh. Steer clear of fillets that look dry or dull. Finally, thoroughly clean all surfaces and utensils after preparation.
Six Reasons to Do Dairy!

If you're not making dairy a part of your healthy lifestyle, you could be missing out on some big benefits, say experts from the American Dietetic Association. For example:

Research suggests that dairy intake and weight-management are strongly connected. Just three servings a day may make losing weight and keeping it off much easier!

A single 8-ounce serving provides 25 percent of your daily riboflavin needs. This important nutrient helps your body convert food into energy.

Fat-free milk is one of the leanest protein sources around. It provides all of the good stuff, but without the fat!

Dairy is rich in calcium, too! Bone up with an 8-ounce glass of milk — it'll provide 30 percent of your daily calcium requirement.

Milk allows you to get vitamin D without the sun damage! A single serving provides 25 percent of your daily intake!

Milk is a great post-workout drink! An 8-ounce glass of skim provides hydration, electrolytes, carbohydrates, and protein — and all for a bargain calorie count of 80. Yum!